
General Information

Last Update Nov 14, 2022
Full Name Yinqi Zhao
Address 2001 N Soto St., Los Angeles, CA, 90033


  • 08/2018 - Present
    Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics
    University of Sunthern California, Los Angeles, CA
  • 08/2016 - 05/2018
    Master of Science in Biostatistics
    Columnia University, New York, NY
  • 09/2012 - 06/2016
    Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
    China Agriculture University, Beijing, China

Professional Experience

  • 08/2019 - present
    Graduate Research Assistant
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
    Advised by Dr. David V. Conti
    • Clustering Analysis Integrating Omics data
      • Developed a clustering model (LUCID) to uncover the latent clusters by integrating multi-view data and extended LUCID to incorporate missingness in omics data.
      • Proposed an integrated variable selection framework for LUCID, based on L1 penalty.
      • Published and maintained an R package, LUCIDus on CRAN (current version is 2.2.0 with more than 20,000 downloads).
    • Applied Data Analysis
      • Applied LUCID model to evaluate how prenatal exposure to PFAS associated with increased susceptibility to liver injury in children; created molecular signature for children at high risk of liver injury by using serum metabolomics data.
      • Conducted predictive modeling for Mediterranean diet adherence (KIDMED) and ultra-processed food consumption by using urinary metabolic profiling; evaluated model performance through Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis.
  • 05/2021 - 08/2021
    Internship in Product, Developement & Data and Statistical science
    Genentech, SSF, CA (remotely)
    Advised by Jennifer Borkowsky
    • Independent Read Data Quality Check
      • Collaborated with biostatisticians, clinical scientists and software engineers across different functional groups and developed a pipeline to check quality of Independent Read data.
      • Developed a modularized R Shiny app to implement the proposed pipeline; the app was adopted by 2 clinical trial study teams.
    • Automatic Clinical Trial Reporting
      • Enhanced EnableRF R package to automatically generate PowerPoint slides for clinical trial report, featuring user-specified content format and automatic pagination for long tables.
  • 05/2017 - 08/2017
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Mount Sinai, New York, NY
    Advised by Dr. Xiaoyu Song
    • Worked on trans-eQTL identification using data from GTEx; developed a pipeline to analyze gene-SNP pairs among 3 tissues, which decreased the total time of analysis for a single tissue (number of computations larger than 4 time 10 to the power of 10) from more than 3 days to around 8 hours.
  • 2016 - 2018
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    China Agriculture University
    Advised by Dr. Qun He


  • 2015-now
    • A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics.

Honors and Awards

  • 1921
    • Nobel Prize in Physics
    • Matteucci Medal
  • 2029
    • Max Planck Medal

Academic Interests

  • Topic 1.
    • Description 1.
    • Description 2.
  • Topic 2.
    • Description 1.
    • Description 2.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Hobby 1, Hobby 2, etc.